Source code for toupy.utils.array_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# third party packages
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from scipy.fft import fftshift, ifftshift
import scipy.constants as consts
from scipy.ndimage import filters

__all__ = [

[docs]def create_circle(inputimg): """ Create circle with apodized edges Parameters ---------- inputimg : array_like Input image from which to calculate the circle Return ------ t : array_like Array containing the circle """ bordercrop = 10 nr, nc = inputimg.shape Y, X = np.indices((nr, nc)) Y -= np.round(nr / 2).astype(int) X -= np.round(nc / 2).astype(int) R = np.sqrt(X ** 2 + Y ** 2) Rmax = np.round(np.max(R.shape) / 2.0) maskout = R < Rmax t = maskout * (1 - np.cos(np.pi * (R - Rmax - 2 * bordercrop) / bordercrop)) / 2.0 t[np.where(R < (Rmax - bordercrop))] = 1 return t
[docs]def normalize_array(input_array): """ Normalize the input array """ return (input_array - input_array.min()) / (input_array.max() - input_array.min())
[docs]def smooth_image(input_image, filter_size=3): """ Smooth image with a median filter Parameters ---------- input_image : array_like Image to be smoothed filter_size : int Size of the filter Returns ------- array_like Smoothed image """ return filters.median_filter(input_image, filter_size)
[docs]def smooth1d(x,window_len=11,window='hanning'): """ Smooth the data using a window with requested size. This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal. The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal (with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized in the begining and end part of the output signal. Parameters ---------- x : array_like The input signal window_len : int, optional, The dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer. The default value is `11`. window : str, optional The type of window from `flat`, `hanning`, `hamming`, `bartlett`, `blackman` flat window will produce a moving average smoothing. Returns ------- y : array_like The smoothed signal Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> t=np.linspace(-2,2,0.1) >>> x=np.sin(t)+np.random.randn(len(t))*0.1 >>> y=smooth(x) Notes ----- see also: numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve scipy.signal.lfilter Adapted from : from: """ if x.ndim != 1: raise ValueError("smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays.") if x.size < window_len: raise ValueError("Input vector needs to be bigger than window size.") if window_len<3: return x if not window in ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']: raise ValueError( "Window is on of 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'") s=np.r_[x[window_len-1:0:-1],x,x[-2:-window_len-1:-1]] #print(len(s)) if window == 'flat': #moving average w=np.ones(window_len,'d') else: w=eval('np.'+window+'(window_len)') y=np.convolve(w/w.sum(),s,mode='valid') return y
[docs]def gauss_kern(size, sizey=None): """ Returns a normalized 2D gauss kernel array for convolutions Parameters ---------- size : int Size of the kernel sizey : int, optional Vertical size of the kernel if not squared Returns ------- array_like Normalized kernel Notes ----- from: """ size = int(size) if not sizey: sizey = size else: sizey = int(sizey) x, y = np.mgrid[-size:size+1, -sizey:sizey+1] g = np.exp(-(x**2/float(size)+y**2/float(sizey))) return g / g.sum()
[docs]def smooth2d(im, n, ny=None): """ Blurs the image by convolving with a gaussian kernel of typical size n. The optional keyword argument ny allows for a different size in the y direction. Parameters ---------- im : array_like Input image n : int Typical size of the gaussian kernel n : int, optional Size in the y direction if not squared Returns ------- improc : array_like Smoothed image Notes ----- from: """ g = gauss_kern(n, sizey=ny) improc = signal.convolve(im,g, mode='valid') return improc
[docs]def sharpening_image(input_image, filter_size=3, alpha=30): """ Sharpen image with a median filter Parameters ---------- input_image : array_like Image to be sharpened filter_size : int Size of the filter alpha : float Strength of the sharpening Returns ------- array_like Sharpened image """ blurredimg = filters.median_filter(input_image, filter_size) filter_blurredimg = filters.median_filter(blurredimg, 1) sharpimg = blurredimg + alpha * (blurredimg - filter_blurredimg) return sharpimg
[docs]def sort_array(input_array, ref_array): """ Sort array based on another array Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Array to be sorted ref_array : array_like Array on which the sorting will be based Returns ------- sorted_input_array : array_like Sorted input array sorted_ref_array : array_like Sorted reference array """ idxsort = np.argsort(ref_array) sorted_ref_array = ref_array[idxsort] sorted_input_array = input_array[idxsort] return sorted_input_array, sorted_ref_array
[docs]def replace_bad(input_stack, list_bad=[], temporary=False): """ correcting bad projections before unwrapping Parameters ---------- input_stack : array_like Stack of projections list_bad : list List of bad projections temporary : bool If `False`, the projection will be interpolated with the previous and after projections. If `True`, the projection will be replaced by the previous projection. """ if list_bad == []: raise ValueError("List of bad projections is empty") else: list_bad = [int(ii) for ii in list_bad] # to garantee each element is int for ii in list_bad: print("Temporary replacement of bad projection: {} (starts at 0)".format(int(ii))) if temporary: input_stack[int(ii)] = input_stack[int(ii) - 1] else: input_stack[int(ii)] = (input_stack[int(ii) - 1] + input_stack[int(ii) + 1]) / 2 #print("\r") return input_stack
[docs]def round_to_even(x): """ Round number ``x`` to next even number """ return int(2 * np.floor(x / 2))
[docs]def polynomial1d(x, order=1, w=1): """ Generates a 1D orthonormal polynomial base. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Array containing the values of ``x`` for the polynomial order : int, optional Order of the polynomial. The defaul value is ``1``. w : int, optional Weights of the coefficients. The defaul value is ``1``. Returns ------- polyseries : array_like Orthonormal polymonial up to order Note ---- Inspired by legendrepoly1D_2.m created by Manuel Guizar in March 10,2009 """ polyseries = [] for ii in range(order + 1): polyseries.append(np.power(x, ii)[0]) # Convenient convertion to numpy array polyseries = np.asarray(polyseries).astype(float) # Normalization for ii in range(len(polyseries)): polyseries[ii] /= np.sqrt(np.sum(w * np.abs(polyseries[ii]) ** 2)) # Orthonormalization for ii in range(1, len(polyseries)): for jj in range(0, ii): polyseries[ii] -= ( np.sum(polyseries[ii] * polyseries[jj] * w) * polyseries[jj] ) # Re-normalization polyseries[ii] /= np.sqrt(np.sum(w * np.abs(polyseries[ii]) ** 2)) return polyseries
[docs]def projectpoly1d(func1d, order=1, w=1): """ Projects a 1D function onto orthonormalized base Parameters ---------- func1d : array_like Array containing the values of the 1D function order : int, optional Order of the polynomial. The defaul value is ``1``. w : int, optional Weights of the coefficients. The defaul value is ``1``. Returns ------- projfunc1d : array_like Projected 1D funtion on orthonormal base Note ---- Inspired by projectleg1D_2.m created by Manuel Guizar in March 10,2009 """ x = np.indices(func1d.shape) x -= np.ceil(x.mean()).astype("int") polyseries = polynomial1d(x, order, w) # needs to be float for the subtraction below projfunc1d = func1d.astype("float").copy() for ii in range(len(polyseries)): coeff = np.sum(func1d * polyseries[ii] * w) projfunc1d -= polyseries[ii] * coeff # all array needs to be float return projfunc1d
[docs]def crop(input_array, delcropx, delcropy): """ Crop images Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input image to be cropped delcropx : int amount of pixel to be cropped in x delcropy : int amount of pixel to be cropped in y Returns ------- array_like Cropped image """ if delcropx is not None or delcropy is not None: print("Cropping ROI of data") print("Before: {}".format(input_array.shape)) print(input_array[delcropy:-delcropy, delcropx:-delcropx].shape) if input_array.ndim == 2: return input_array[delcropy:-delcropy, delcropx:-delcropx] elif input_array.ndim == 3: return input_array[:, delcropy:-delcropy, delcropx:-delcropx] print("After: {}".format(input_array.shape)) else: print("No cropping of data") return input_array
[docs]def cropROI(input_array, roi=[]): """ Crop ROI Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input image to be cropped roi : list of int ROI of interest. roi should be [top, bottom, left, right] Returns ------- array_like Cropped image """ if roi == []: print("No cropping of data") return input_array else: print("Cropping ROI of data") print("Before: {}".format(input_array.shape)) if input_array.ndim == 2: return input_array[roi[0] : roi[1], roi[2] : roi[3]] elif input_array.ndim == 3: return input_array[:, roi[0] : roi[1], roi[2] : roi[3]] print("After: {}".format(input_array.shape))
[docs]def radtap(X, Y, tappix, zerorad): """ Creates a central cosine tapering for beam. It receives the X and Y coordinates, tappix is the extent of tapering, zerorad is the radius with no data (zeros). """ tau = 2 * tappix # period of cosine function (only half a period is used) R = np.sqrt(X ** 2 + Y ** 2) taperfunc = 0.5 * (1 + np.cos(2 * np.pi * (R - zerorad - tau / 2.0) / tau)) taperfunc = (R > zerorad + tau / 2.0) * 1.0 + taperfunc * (R <= zerorad + tau / 2) taperfunc = taperfunc * (R >= zerorad) return taperfunc
[docs]def fract_hanning(outputdim, unmodsize): """ Creates a square hanning window if unmodsize = 0 (or ommited), otherwise the output array will contain an array of ones in the center and cosine modulation on the edges, the array of ones will have DC in upper left corner. Parameters ---------- outputdim : int Size of the output array unmodsize : int Size of the central array containing no modulation. Returns ------- array_like Square array containing a fractional separable Hanning window with DC in upper left corner. """ if outputdim < unmodsize: raise SystemExit( "Output dimension must be smaller or equal to size of unmodulated window" ) if unmodsize < 0: unmodsize = 0 print("Specified unmodsize<0, setting unmodsize = 0") N = np.arange(0, outputdim) Nc, Nr = np.meshgrid(N, N) if unmodsize == 0: out = ( (1.0 + np.cos(2 * np.pi * Nc / outputdim)) * (1.0 + np.cos(2 * np.pi * Nr / outputdim)) / 4.0 ) else: # columns modulation outc = ( 1.0 + np.cos( 2 * np.pi * (Nc - np.floor((unmodsize - 1) / 2)) / (outputdim + 1 - unmodsize) ) ) / 2.0 if np.floor((unmodsize - 1) / 2.0) > 0: outc[:, : int(np.floor((unmodsize - 1) / 2.0))] = 1 outc[ :, int(np.floor((unmodsize - 1) / 2) + outputdim + 3 - unmodsize) : len(N) ] = 1 # row modulation outr = ( 1.0 + np.cos( 2 * np.pi * (Nr - np.floor((unmodsize - 1) / 2)) / (outputdim + 1 - unmodsize) ) ) / 2.0 if np.floor((unmodsize - 1) / 2.0) > 0: outr[: int(np.floor((unmodsize - 1) / 2.0)), :] = 1 outr[ int(np.floor((unmodsize - 1) / 2) + outputdim + 3 - unmodsize) : len(N), : ] = 1 out = outc * outr return out
[docs]def fract_hanning_pad(outputdim, filterdim, unmodsize): """ Creates a square hanning window if unmodsize = 0 (or ommited), otherwise the output array will contain an array of ones in the center and cosine modulation on the edges, the array of ones will have DC in upper left corner. Parameters ---------- outputdim : int Size of the output array filterdim : int Size of filter (it will zero pad if filterdim < outputdim) unmodsize : int Size of the central array containing no modulation. Returns ------- array_like Square array containing a fractional separable Hanning window with DC in upper left corner. """ if outputdim < unmodsize: raise SystemExit( "Output dimension must be smaller or equal to size of unmodulated window" ) if outputdim < filterdim: raise SystemExit("Filter cannot be larger than output size") if unmodsize < 0: unmodsize = 0 print("Specified unmodsize<0, setting unmodsize = 0") out = np.zeros((outputdim, outputdim)) auxindini = int(np.round(outputdim / 2 - filterdim / 2)) auxindend = int(np.round(outputdim / 2 + filterdim / 2)) out[auxindini:auxindend, auxindini:auxindend] = fftshift( fract_hanning(filterdim, unmodsize) ) return fftshift(out)
[docs]def hanning_apod1D(window_size, apod_width): """ Create 1D apodization window using Hanning window Parameters ---------- window_size : int Window size apod_width : int Apodization width Returns ------- hannwindow1D : array_like 1D Hanning window for the apodization """ nr = window_size Nr = fftshift(np.arange(nr)) window1D = ( 1.0 + np.cos( 2 * np.pi * (Nr - np.floor((nr - 2 * apod_width - 1) / 2)) / (1 + 2 * apod_width) ) ) / 2.0 window1D[apod_width:-apod_width] = 1 return window1D
[docs]def hanning_apodization(window_size, apod_width): """ Create apodization window using Hanning window Parameters ---------- window_size : tuple Window size apod_width : int Apodization width Returns ------- hannwindow2D : array_like 2D Hanning window for the apodization """ nr, nc = window_size window1D1 = hanning_apod1D(nr, apod_width) window1D2 = hanning_apod1D(nc, apod_width) # 2D hanning window hannwindow2D = np.outer(window1D1, window1D2) return hannwindow2D
[docs]def mask_borders(imgarray, mask_array, threshold=4e-7): """ Mask borders using the gradient Parameters ---------- imgarray : array_like Input image mask_array : bool array_like Input mask threshold : float, optional Threshold value. The default value is ``4e-7``. Returns ------- mask_array : array_like Masked array """ # mask borders gr, gc = np.gradient(imgarray) mask_border = np.sqrt(gr ** 2 + gc ** 2) > threshold mask_array *= ~mask_border return mask_array
[docs]def create_mask_borders(tomogram, mask_array, threshold=4e-7): """ Create mask for border of tomographic volume Parameters ---------- tomogram : array_like Input volume mask : bool array_like Input mask threshold : float, optional Threshold value. The default value is ``4e-7``. Returns ------- mask_array : array_like Masked array """ nslices, nr, nc = tomogram.shape # mask borders for ii in range(nslices): print("Mask {}".format(ii + 1)) mask_array[ii] = mask_borders(tomogram[ii], mask_array, threshold) print("Done") return mask_array
[docs]def padarray_bothsides(input_array, newshape, padmode="edge"): """ Pad array in both sides Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input array newshape : tuple New shape of the array to be padded padmode : str Padding mode. The default is ``edge`` Returns ------- array_like Padded array """ nro, nco = input_array.shape nrn, ncn = newshape if np.abs(nrn - nro) % 2 == 0: padr = (int((nrn - nro) / 2),) * 2 else: padr = (int((nrn - nro) / 2), int((nrn - nro) / 2) + 1) if np.abs(ncn - nco) % 2 == 0: padc = (int((ncn - nco) / 2),) * 2 else: padc = (int((ncn - nco) / 2), int((ncn - nco) / 2) + 1) return np.pad(input_array, (padr, padc), mode=padmode)