Source code for toupy.utils.FFT_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# standard libraries imports
import functools
import multiprocessing
import os

# third party packages
import numpy as np
import pyfftw  # has to be imported first to avoid ImportError: dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS
from scipy.fft import fftfreq, next_fast_len

# enable cache for pyfftw

__all__ = [

[docs]def is_power2(num): """ States if a number ``num`` is a power of two """ return num != 0 and ((num & (num - 1)) == 0)
[docs]def nextpoweroftwo(number): """ Returns next power of two following ``number`` """ return int(np.ceil(np.log2(number)))
def _nextpoweroftwo_print(number): """ Return next power of two following ``number`` """ nextPower = int(np.ceil(np.log2(number))) return np.power(2, nextPower)
[docs]def nextpow2(number): """ Find the next power 2 of ``number`` for FFT """ n = 1 while n < number: n *= 2 return n
[docs]def padwidthbothsides(nbins): """ Returns pad_width for padding both sides given a value of ``nbins`` """ # ~ nextPower = nextpoweroftwo(nbins) deficit = int(nextpow2(nbins) - nbins) # ~ deficit = int(np.power(2, nextPower) - nbins) return int(deficit / 2)
[docs]def padrightside(nbins): """ Returns pad_width for padding at the right side given a value of ``nbins`` The pad_width is calculated with ``next_fast_len`` function from `PyFFTW` package """ # ~ nextPower = nextpoweroftwo(nbins) # ~ nextPower = nextpow2(nbins) # ~ nextPower = next_fast_len(nbins) nextPower = pyfftw.next_fast_len(nbins) deficit = int(nextPower - nbins) # ~ deficit = int(np.power(2, nextPower) - nbins) return deficit
def metafftw(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(input_array): # checking number of cores available kwargs = dict() try: kwargs["ncores"] = int(os.environ["SLURM_JOB_CPUS_PER_NODE"]) except: kwargs["ncores"] = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # stating the precision. # np.complex64: single precision; and np.complex128: double precision kwargs["cprecision"] = np.complex64 kwargs["planner_type"] = "FFTW_MEASURE" return func(input_array, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]@metafftw def fastfftn(input_array, **kwargs): """ Auxiliary function to use pyFFTW. It does the align, planning and apply FFTW transform Parameters --------- input_array : array_like Array to be FFTWed Returns ------- fftw_array : array_like Fourier transformed array """ # number of cores available ncores = kwargs["ncores"] # multiprocessing.cpu_count() # stating the precision. cprecision = kwargs["cprecision"] # np.complex64 # single precision planner_type = kwargs["planner_type"] # 'FFTW_MEASURE' # align array fftw_array = pyfftw.byte_align(input_array, dtype=cprecision, n=16) # will need to plan once #fftw_array = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.fftn( # fftw_array, overwrite_input=True, planner_effort=planner_type, threads=ncores #) fftw_array = pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fft.fftn( fftw_array, overwrite_x=True, planner_effort=planner_type, workers=ncores ) return fftw_array
[docs]@metafftw def fastifftn(input_array, **kwargs): """ Auxiliary function to use pyFFTW. It does the align, planning and apply inverse FFTW transform Parameters --------- input_array : array_like Array to be FFTWed Returns ------- ifftw_array : array_like Inverse Fourier transformed array """ # number of cores available ncores = kwargs["ncores"] # multiprocessing.cpu_count() # stating the precision. cprecision = kwargs["cprecision"] # np.complex64 # single precision planner_type = kwargs["planner_type"] # 'FFTW_MEASURE' # align array ifftw_array = pyfftw.byte_align(input_array, dtype=cprecision, n=16) #ifftw_array = pyfftw.interfaces.numpy_fft.ifftn( # ifftw_array, overwrite_input=True, planner_effort=planner_type, threads=ncores #) ifftw_array = pyfftw.interfaces.scipy_fft.ifftn( ifftw_array, overwrite_x=True, planner_effort=planner_type, workers=ncores ) return ifftw_array
[docs]def padfft(input_array, pad_mode="reflect"): """ Auxiliary function to pad arrays for Fourier transforms. It accepts 1D and 2D arrays. Parameters --------- input_array : array_like Array to be padded mode : str Padding mode to treat the array borders. See :py:mod:`numpy.pad` for modes. The default value is `reflect`. Returns ------- array_pad : array_like Padded array N_pad : array_like padded frequency coordinates padw : int, list of ints pad width """ # padding to reduce artifacts with FFTs if input_array.ndim == 1: nr = len(input_array) padw = padrightside(nr) # next power of 2 # ~ padw = padwidthbothsides(nr) # next power of 2 # ~ array_pad = np.pad(input_array,(padw,padw),mode=pad_mode) array_pad = np.pad(input_array, (0, padw), mode=pad_mode) N_pad = fftfreq(len(array_pad)) elif input_array.ndim == 2: nr, nc = input_array.shape padw = [padrightside(nr), padrightside(nc)] # ~ padw = [padwidthbothsides(nr), padwidthbothsides(nc)] # ~ array_pad = np.pad(input_array,((padw[0],padw[0]),(padw[1],padw[1])),mode=pad_mode) array_pad = np.pad(input_array, ((0, padw[0]), (0, padw[1])), mode=pad_mode) n_pad = [fftfreq(array_pad.shape[0]), fftfreq(array_pad.shape[1])] # reverted order to be compatible with meshgrid output N_pad = np.meshgrid(n_pad[1], n_pad[0]) return array_pad, N_pad, padw