Source code for toupy.tomo.iradon

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# third party packages
from IPython import get_ipython
import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import fft, ifft, fftfreq
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from silx import version
import warnings


# local libraries import
from ..utils.plot_utils import isnotebook

if isnotebook():
    RunningInCOLAB = "google.colab" in str(get_ipython())
    RunningInCOLAB = False

if RunningInCOLAB or isnotebook():
    RunningInBrowser = True
    RunningInBrowser = False

if not RunningInBrowser:
        from silx.opencl.backprojection import Backprojection
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        print("Not using pyopencl for the reconstruction")
        print("The reconstruction will be slow.")
        nosilx = True
    nosilx = True

# from nabu.reconstruction.fbp import Backprojector as Backprojection

# local package
from ..utils import create_circle

__all__ = [

[docs]def compute_angle_weights(theta): """ Compute the corresponding weight for each angle according to the distance between its neighbors in case of non equally spaced angles Parameters ---------- theta : ndarray Angles in degrees Returns ------- weights : ndarray The weights for each angle to be applied to the sinogram Note ---- The weights are computed assuming a angular distribution between 0 and 180 degrees. Forked from odtbrain.util.compute_angle_weights_1d ( """ # subtract the mininum value theta = theta.flatten() - theta.min() # sort the angles sortargs = np.argsort(theta) sorttheta = theta[sortargs] # compute the weights for sorted theta # it takes care of the initial and final theta values diff_theta = (np.roll(sorttheta, -1) - np.roll(sorttheta, 1)) % 180 weights = diff_theta / np.sum(diff_theta) * diff_theta.size # revert the sorting to be compatible with input theta order unsortweights = np.zeros_like(weights) unsortweights[sortargs] = weights return unsortweights
[docs]def compute_filter(nbins, filter_type="ram-lak", derivatives=False, freqcutoff=1): """ Compute the filter for the FBP tomographic reconstruction Parameters ---------- nbins : int Size of the filter to be calculated filter_type: str, optional Name of the filter to be applied. The options are: `ram-lak`, `shepp-logan`, `cosine`, `hamming`, `hann`. The default is `ram-lak`. derivatives : bool, optional If True, it will use a Hilbert filter used for derivative projections. The default is ``True```. freqcutoff : float, optional Normalized frequency cutoff of the filter. The default value is ``1`` which means no cutoff. Return ------ fourier_filter : ndarray A 2-Dimnesional array containing the filter to be used in the FBP reconstruction """ # resize image to next power of two (but no less than 64) for # Fourier analysis; speeds up Fourier and lessens artifacts projection_size_padded = max(64, int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(2 * nbins)))) # Construct the Fourier filter f = fftfreq(projection_size_padded).reshape(-1, 1) # digital frequency omega = 2 * np.pi * f # angular frequency if derivatives: fourier_filter = np.ones_like(f).astype(np.complex) # differential filter else: fourier_filter = 2 * np.abs(f) # ramp filter # fourier_filter[0]=3.9579e-4 # value from MATLAB if filter_type == "ram-lak": pass elif filter_type == "shepp-logan": # Start from first element to avoid divide by zero fourier_filter[1:] = fourier_filter[1:] * ( np.sin(omega[1:] / (2 * freqcutoff)) / (omega[1:] / (2 * freqcutoff)) ) # fourier_filter[1:] = fourier_filter[1:] * (np.sin(omega[1:]/(2*np.pi*freqcutoff)) / (omega[1:]/(2*freqcutoff))) #factor pi elif filter_type == "cosine": fourier_filter[1:] *= np.cos(omega[1:] / (2 * freqcutoff)) elif filter_type == "hamming": fourier_filter[1:] *= 0.54 + 0.46 * np.cos(omega[1:] / (freqcutoff)) elif filter_type == "hann": fourier_filter[1:] *= (1 + np.cos(omega[1:] / (freqcutoff))) / 2 elif filter_type is None: fourier_filter[:] = 1 else: raise ValueError("Unknown filter: {}".format(fourier_filter)) # Frequency cutoff # ~ fourier_filter[np.where(2*np.abs(f)>freqcutoff)]=0 #equivalent to below code # Get rid of unwanted frequencies fourier_filter[np.where(np.abs(omega) > np.pi * freqcutoff)] = 0 # Change the filter to adapte to projection derivative if derivatives: fourier_filter = np.sign(f) * fourier_filter / (1j * np.pi) return fourier_filter
[docs]def mod_iradon( radon_image, theta=None, output_size=None, filter_type="ram-lak", derivatives=False, interpolation="linear", circle=False, freqcutoff=1, ): """ Inverse radon transform. Reconstruct an image from the radon transform, using the filtered back projection algorithm. Parameters ---------- radon_image : ndarray A 2-dimensional array containing radon transform (sinogram). Each column of the image corresponds to a projection along a different angle. The tomography rotation axis should lie at the pixel index ``radon_image.shape[0] // 2`` along the 0th dimension of ``radon_image``. theta : ndarray, optional Reconstruction angles (in degrees). Default: m angles evenly spaced between 0 and 180 (if the shape of `radon_image` is (N, M)). output_size : int Number of rows and columns in the reconstruction. filter : str, optional Name of the filter to be applied in frequency domain filtering. The options are: `ram-lak`, `shepp-logan`, `cosine`, `hamming`, `hann`. The default is `ram-lak`. Assign None to use no filter. derivatives : bool, optional If ``True``, assumes that the radon_image contains the derivates of the projections. The default is ``True`` interpolation : str, optional Interpolation method used in reconstruction. Methods available: `linear`, `nearest`, and `cubic` (`cubic` is slow). The default is `linear` circle : bool, optional Assume the reconstructed image is zero outside the inscribed circle. Also changes the default output_size to match the behaviour of ``radon`` called with ``circle=True``. freqcutoff : int, optional Normalized frequency cutoff of the filter. The default value is ``1`` which means no cutoff. Returns ------- reconstructed : ndarray A 2-dimensional array containing the reconstructed image. The rotation axis will be located in the pixel with indices ``(reconstructed.shape[0] // 2, reconstructed.shape[1] // 2)``. Notes ----- It applies the Fourier slice theorem to reconstruct an image by multiplying the frequency domain of the filter with the FFT of the projection data. This algorithm is called filtered back projection. """ if radon_image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("The input image must be 2-D") if theta is None: m, n = radon_image.shape theta = np.linspace(0, 180, n, endpoint=False) else: theta = np.asarray(theta) if len(theta) != radon_image.shape[1]: raise ValueError( "The given ``theta`` does not match the number of " "projections in ``radon_image``." ) interpolation_types = ("linear", "nearest", "cubic") if not interpolation in interpolation_types: raise ValueError("Unknown interpolation: {}".format(interpolation)) if not output_size: # If output size not specified, estimate from input radon image if circle: output_size = radon_image.shape[0] else: output_size = int(np.floor(np.sqrt((radon_image.shape[0]) ** 2 / 2.0))) # convertion degrees to radians th = (np.pi / 180.0) * theta # customized filter fourier_filter = compute_filter( radon_image.shape[0], filter_type=filter_type, derivatives=derivatives, freqcutoff=freqcutoff, ) # padding image pad_width = ((0, fourier_filter.shape[0] - radon_image.shape[0]), (0, 0)) img = np.pad(radon_image, pad_width, mode="constant", constant_values=0) # Apply filter in Fourier domain projection = fft(img, axis=0) * fourier_filter radon_filtered = np.real(ifft(projection, axis=0)) # Resize filtered image back to original size radon_filtered = radon_filtered[: radon_image.shape[0], :] reconstructed = np.zeros((output_size, output_size)) # Determine the center of the projections (= center of sinogram) mid_index = radon_image.shape[0] // 2 [X, Y] = np.mgrid[0:output_size, 0:output_size] xpr = X - int(output_size) // 2 ypr = Y - int(output_size) // 2 # Reconstruct image by interpolation for i in range(len(theta)): t = ypr * np.cos(th[i]) - xpr * np.sin(th[i]) x = np.arange(radon_filtered.shape[0]) - mid_index if interpolation == "linear": backprojected = np.interp(t, x, radon_filtered[:, i], left=0, right=0) else: interpolant = interp1d( x, radon_filtered[:, i], kind=interpolation, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0, ) backprojected = interpolant(t) reconstructed += backprojected if circle: radius = output_size // 2 reconstruction_circle = (xpr ** 2 + ypr ** 2) <= radius ** 2 reconstructed[~reconstruction_circle] = 0.0 return reconstructed * np.pi / (2 * len(th))
B = None
[docs]def mod_iradonSilx( radon_image, theta=None, output_size=None, filter_type="ram-lak", derivatives=False, interpolation="linear", circle=False, freqcutoff=1, use_numpy=True, ): """ Inverse radon transform using Silx and OpenCL. Reconstruct an image from the radon transform, using the filtered back projection algorithm. Parameters ---------- radon_image : ndarray A 2-dimensional array containing radon transform (sinogram). Each column of the image corresponds to a projection along a different angle. The tomography rotation axis should lie at the pixel index ``radon_image.shape[0] // 2`` along the 0th dimension of ``radon_image``. theta : ndarray, optional Reconstruction angles (in degrees). Default: m angles evenly spaced between 0 and 180 (if the shape of `radon_image` is (N, M)). output_size : int Number of rows and columns in the reconstruction. filter : str, optional Name of the filter to be applied in frequency domain filtering. The options are: `ram-lak`, `shepp-logan`, `cosine`, `hamming`, `hann`. The default is `ram-lak`. Assign None to use no filter. derivatives : bool, optional If ``True``, assumes that the radon_image contains the derivates of the projections. The default is ``True`` interpolation : str, optional Interpolation method used in reconstruction. Methods available: `linear`, `nearest`, and `cubic` (`cubic` is slow). The default is `linear` circle : boolean, optional Assume the reconstructed image is zero outside the inscribed circle. Also changes the default output_size to match the behaviour of ``radon`` called with ``circle=True``. freqcutoff : int, optional Normalized frequency cutoff of the filter. The default value is ``1`` which means no cutoff. Returns ------- reconstructed : ndarray A 2-dimensional array containing the reconstructed image. The rotation axis will be located in the pixel with indices ``(reconstructed.shape[0] // 2, reconstructed.shape[1] // 2)``. Notes ----- It applies the Fourier slice theorem to reconstruct an image by multiplying the frequency domain of the filter with the FFT of the projection data. This algorithm is called filtered back projection. """ global B if radon_image.ndim != 2: raise ValueError("The input image must be 2-D") if theta is None: m, n = radon_image.shape theta = np.linspace(0, 180, n, endpoint=False) else: theta = np.asarray(theta) # customized filter cust_filter = compute_filter( radon_image.shape[0], filter_type=filter_type, derivatives=derivatives, freqcutoff=freqcutoff, ) # ~ if B is None: # creates the object # ~ print('Initializing backprojector object...') silx_version = float(version[2:]) if silx_version < 10.0: B = Backprojection(radon_image.T.shape, angles=np.pi * (theta) / 180.0) # ~ print("Initialized OpenCL backprojector on {}".format(B.device)) B.filter = cust_filter.ravel() / 2.0 # has to be divided by 2. else: B = Backprojection( radon_image.T.shape, angles=np.pi * (theta) / 180.0, filter_name=filter_type, extra_options={"use_numpy_fft": use_numpy, "cutoff": freqcutoff}, ) # from version 0.10.0, silx filtering uses R2C Fourier transforms cust_filter2 = cust_filter.ravel()[: B.sino_filter.dwidth_padded // 2 + 1] cust_filter2 = np.ascontiguousarray(cust_filter2 / 2.0) # , dtype=np.complex64) B.sino_filter.set_filter(cust_filter2) if not use_numpy: sinogram = np.ascontiguousarray(radon_image.T).astype(np.float32) else: sinogram = radon_image.T.astype(np.float32) # actual reconstruction recons = B(sinogram) if circle: recons_circle = create_circle(recons) recons = recons * recons_circle return recons
[docs]def backprojector(sinogram, theta, **params): """ Wrapper to choose between Forward Radon transform using Silx and OpenCL or standard reconstruction. Parameters ---------- sinogram : ndarray A 2-dimensional array containing the sinogram theta : ndarray A 1-dimensional array of thetas params : dict Dictionary containing the parameters to be used in the reconstruction. See :py:meth:`mod_iradonSilx` and :py:meth:`mod_iradon` for the list of parameters Returns ------- recons : ndarray A 2-dimensional array containing the reconstructed sliced by the choosen method """ # ~ if not nosilx: # ~ print("Forcing param['opencl']=False") # ~ params["opencl"]=False try: params["weight_angles"] except: params["weight_angles"] = False try: params["opencl"] except: params["opencl"] = False if params["opencl"]: # using Silx backprojector # print("Using OpenCL") iradon = mod_iradonSilx else: # Not using Silx Projector (very slow) # print("Not using OpenCL") iradon = mod_iradon if params["weight_angles"]: # weight the angles prior to the reconstruction weights = compute_angle_weights(theta).reshape(1, -1) sinogram = sinogram * weights # reconstructing recons = iradon( sinogram, theta=theta, output_size=sinogram.shape[0], filter_type=params["filtertype"], derivatives=params["derivatives"], circle=params["circle"], freqcutoff=params["freqcutoff"], ) return recons
[docs]def reconsSART( sinogram, theta, num_iter=2, FBPinitial_guess=True, relaxation_params=0.15, **params ): """ Reconstruction with SART algorithm Parameters ---------- sinogram : ndarray A 2-dimensional array containing the sinogram theta : ndarray A 1-dimensional array of thetas num_iter : int, optional Number of iterations of the SART algorithm. The default is ``2``. FBPinitial_guess : bool, optional If the results of FBP reconstruction should be used as initial guess. The default value is ``True`` relaxation_params : float, optional Relaxation parameter of SART. The default value is ``0.15``. Returns ------- recons : ndarray A 2-dimensional array containing the reconstructed sliced by SART """ theta = np.float64(theta) sinogram = np.float64(sinogram) circle = params["circle"] # actual reconstruction if FBPinitial_guess: print("Calculating the initial guess for SART using FBP") reconsFBP = backprojector(sinogram, theta, **params) reconsFBP = np.float64(reconsFBP) print("Done. Starting SART") if params["weight_angles"]: # weight the angles prior to the reconstruction weights = compute_angle_weights(theta).reshape(1, -1) sinogram = sinogram * weights # with initial guess reconsSART = iradon_sart( sinogram, theta=theta, image=reconsFBP, relaxation=relaxation_params ) else: if params["weight_angles"]: # weight the angles prior to the reconstruction weights = compute_angle_weights(theta).reshape(1, -1) sinogram = sinogram * weights # without initial guess reconsSART = iradon_sart(sinogram, theta=theta, relaxation=relaxation_params) print("Starting iterative reconstruction:") for ii in range(iteration_num): print("Iteration {}".format(ii + 1)) reconsSART = iradon_sart( sinogram, theta=theta, image=reconsSART, relaxation=relaxation_params ) if circle: recons_circle = create_circle(inputimg) reconsSART = reconsSART * recons_circle return reconsSART