Source code for toupy.restoration.roipoly

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Draw polygon regions of interest (ROIs) in matplotlib images,
similar to Matlab's roipoly function.
See the file for an application. 
Created by Joerg Doepfert 2014 based on code posted by Daniel

import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.path as mplPath

[docs]class roipoly: def __init__(self, fig=[], ax=[], roicolor="b"): if fig == []: fig = plt.gcf() if ax == []: ax = plt.gca() self.previous_point = [] self.allxpoints = [] self.allypoints = [] self.start_point = [] self.end_point = [] self.line = None self.roicolor = roicolor self.fig = fig = ax # self.fig.canvas.draw() self.__ID1 = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect( "motion_notify_event", self.__motion_notify_callback ) self.__ID2 = self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect( "button_press_event", self.__button_press_callback ) if sys.flags.interactive: else:
[docs] def getMask(self, currentImage): ny, nx = np.shape(currentImage) poly_verts = [(self.allxpoints[0], self.allypoints[0])] for i in range(len(self.allxpoints) - 1, -1, -1): poly_verts.append((self.allxpoints[i], self.allypoints[i])) # Create vertex coordinates for each grid cell... # (<0,0> is at the top left of the grid in this system) x, y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(nx), np.arange(ny)) x, y = x.flatten(), y.flatten() points = np.vstack((x, y)).T ROIpath = mplPath.Path(poly_verts) grid = ROIpath.contains_points(points).reshape((ny, nx)) return grid
[docs] def displayROI(self, **linekwargs): l = plt.Line2D( self.allxpoints + [self.allxpoints[0]], self.allypoints + [self.allypoints[0]], color=self.roicolor, **linekwargs ) ax = plt.gca() ax.add_line(l) plt.draw()
[docs] def displayMean(self, currentImage, **textkwargs): mask = self.getMask(currentImage) meanval = np.mean(np.extract(mask, currentImage)) stdval = np.std(np.extract(mask, currentImage)) string = "%.3f +- %.3f" % (meanval, stdval) plt.text( self.allxpoints[0], self.allypoints[0], string, color=self.roicolor, bbox=dict(facecolor="w", alpha=0.6), **textkwargs )
def __motion_notify_callback(self, event): if event.inaxes: ax = event.inaxes x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if ( event.button == None or event.button == 1 ) and self.line != None: # Move line around self.line.set_data( [self.previous_point[0], x], [self.previous_point[1], y] ) self.fig.canvas.draw() def __button_press_callback(self, event): if event.inaxes: x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata ax = event.inaxes if ( event.button == 1 and event.dblclick == False ): # If you press the left button, single click if self.line == None: # if there is no line, create a line self.line = plt.Line2D( [x, x], [y, y], marker="o", color=self.roicolor ) self.start_point = [x, y] self.previous_point = self.start_point self.allxpoints = [x] self.allypoints = [y] ax.add_line(self.line) self.fig.canvas.draw() # add a segment else: # if there is a line, create a segment self.line = plt.Line2D( [self.previous_point[0], x], [self.previous_point[1], y], marker="o", color=self.roicolor, ) self.previous_point = [x, y] self.allxpoints.append(x) self.allypoints.append(y) event.inaxes.add_line(self.line) self.fig.canvas.draw() elif ( (event.button == 1 and event.dblclick == True) or (event.button == 3 and event.dblclick == False) ) and self.line != None: # close the loop and disconnect self.fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.__ID1) # joerg self.fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.__ID2) # joerg self.line.set_data( [self.previous_point[0], self.start_point[0]], [self.previous_point[1], self.start_point[1]], ) ax.add_line(self.line) self.fig.canvas.draw() self.line = None if sys.flags.interactive: # pass plt.close(self.fig) else: # figure has to be closed so that code can continue plt.close(self.fig)