Source code for toupy.restoration.derivativetools

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# standard packages
import os

# third party packages
from IPython import display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.fft import fftfreq, fft, ifft

# local packages
from ..registration.shift import ShiftFunc
from ..utils.plot_utils import _plotdelimiters
from ..utils import progbar, isnotebook

__all__ = [

[docs]def gradient_axis(x, axis=-1): """ Compute the gradient (keeping dimensions) along one dimension only. By default, the axis is -1 (diff along columns). """ t1 = np.empty_like(x) t2 = np.empty_like(x) if axis != 0: t1[:, :-1] = x[:, 1:] t1[:, -1] = 0 t2[:, :-1] = x[:, :-1] t2[:, -1] = 0 else: t1[:-1, :] = x[1:, :] t1[-1, :] = 0 t2[:-1, :] = x[:-1, :] t2[-1, :] = 0 return t1 - t2
[docs]def chooseregiontoderivatives(stack_array, **params): """ Choose the region to be unwrapped """ # horizontal ROI deltax = params["deltax"] roix = range(deltax, stack_array.shape[2] - deltax) # update roix roiy = range(*params["limsy"]) # tuple unpacking # Display the projections while True: plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure(5) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) im1 = ax1.imshow(stack_array[0], cmap="bone") ax1 = _plotdelimiters(ax1, roiy, roix) ax1.axis("tight") if isnotebook(): display.display(fig) display.display(fig.canvas) # display.clear_output(wait=True) else: ans = input("Are you happy with the boundaries? ([y]/n)").lower() if str(ans) == "" or str(ans) == "y": break else: print( "The array dimensions are {} x {}".format( stack_array[0].shape[0], stack_array[0].shape[1] ) ) # print(stack_array.shape) while True: roiy = eval(input("Enter new range in y (top, bottom): ")) if isinstance(roiy, tuple): roiy = range(roiy[0], roiy[-1]) break else: print("Wrong typing. Try it again.") while True: deltax = eval( input("Enter new value from edge of region to edge of image in x: ") ) if isinstance(deltax, int): roix = range(deltax, stack_array.shape[2] - deltax) # update roix # roix = range(valx, aligned.shape[2] - valx) # update roix break else: print("Wrong typing. Try it again.") return roix, roiy
[docs]def calculate_derivatives(stack_array, roiy, roix, shift_method="fourier"): """ Compute projection derivatives Parameters ---------- stack_array : array_like Input stack of arrays to calculate the derivatives roix, roiy : tuple Limits of the area on which to calculate the derivatives shift_method : str Name of the shift method to use. For the available options, please see :class:`ShiftFunc()` in :mod:`toupy.registration` Returns ------- aligned_diff : array_like Stack of derivatives of the arrays along the horizontal direction """ nprojs, nr, nc = stack_array.shape aligned_diff = np.empty_like(stack_array[:, roiy[0] : roiy[-1], roix[0] : roix[-1]]) for ii in range(nprojs): strbar = "{:5d} / {:5d}".format(ii + 1, nprojs) img = stack_array[ii, roiy[0] : roiy[-1], roix[0] : roix[-1]] aligned_diff[ii] = derivatives(img, shift_method) progbar(ii + 1, nprojs, strbar) return aligned_diff
[docs]def calculate_derivatives_fft(stack_array, roiy, roix, n_cpus=-1): """ Compute projection derivatives using FFTs Parameters ---------- stack_array : array_like Input stack of arrays to calculate the derivatives roix, roiy : tuple Limits of the area on which to calculate the derivatives n_cpus: int The number of cpus for parallel computing. If `n_cpus<0`, the number of cpus will be determined by `os.cpu_counts()` Returns ------- aligned_diff : array_like Stack of derivatives of the arrays along the horizontal direction """ nprojs, nr, nc = stack_array.shape aligned_diff = np.empty_like(stack_array[:, roiy[0] : roiy[-1], roix[0] : roix[-1]]) for ii in range(nprojs): strbar = "{:5d} / {:5d}".format(ii + 1, nprojs) img = stack_array[ii, roiy[0] : roiy[-1], roix[0] : roix[-1]] aligned_diff[ii] = derivatives_fft(img, n_cpus=n_cpus) progbar(ii + 1, nprojs, strbar) return aligned_diff
[docs]def derivatives(input_array, shift_method="fourier"): """ Calculate the derivative of an image Parameters ---------- input_array: array_like Input image to calculate the derivatives shift_method: str Name of the shift method to use. For the available options, please see :class:`ShiftFunc()` in :mod:`toupy.registration` Returns ------- diffimg : array_like Derivatives of the images along the row direction """ S = ShiftFunc(shiftmeth=shift_method) rshift = [0, 0.5] lshift = [0, -0.5] diffimg = S(input_array, rshift) - S(input_array, lshift) # ~ if shift_method == 'phasor': # ~ diffimg = np.angle(S(np.exp(1j*input_array),rshift,'reflect',True)*S(np.exp(-1j*input_array),lshift,'reflect',True)) return diffimg
[docs]def derivatives_fft(input_img, symmetric=True, n_cpus=-1): """ Calculate the derivative of an image using FFT along the horizontal direction Parameters ---------- input_array: array_like Input image to calculate the derivatives symmetric: bool If `True`, symmetric difference is calculated n_cpus: int The number of cpus for parallel computing. If `n_cpus<0`, the number of cpus will be determined by `os.cpu_counts()` Returns ------- diffimg : array_like Derivatives of the images along the row direction """ if n_cpus < 0: n_cpus = os.cpu_count() freqs = fftfreq(input_img.shape[1]) if symmetric: rshift, lshift = 0.5, 0.5 else: rshift, lshift = 1.0, 0.0 fftimg = ( np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * freqs * rshift) - np.exp(-1j * 2 * np.pi * freqs * lshift) ) * fft(input_img, workers=n_cpus) return ifft(fftimg, workers=n_cpus).real
[docs]def derivatives_sino(input_sino, shift_method="fourier"): """ Calculate the derivative of the sinogram Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input sinogram to calculate the derivatives shift_method : str Name of the shift method to use. For the available options, please see :class:`ShiftFunc()` in :mod:`toupy.registration` Returns ------- diffsino : array_like Derivatives of the sinogram along the radial direction """ rollsino = np.rollaxis(input_sino, 1) # same as np.transpose(input_sino,1) rolldiff = derivatives(rollsino, shift_method) diffsino = np.rollaxis(rolldiff, 1) # same as np.transpose(rolldiff,1) return diffsino