Source code for toupy.registration.shift

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# third party packages
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import interpolation

# local packages
from ..utils import deprecated, switch
from ..utils import fastfftn, fastifftn, padfft

__all__ = ["ShiftFunc"]

class Variables(object):
    Auxiliary class to initialize some variables

    shift_method = "linear"
    padmod = "reflect"
    complexoutput = False
    splineorder = 3

[docs]class ShiftFunc(Variables): """ Collections of shift fuctions """ def __init__(self, **params): super().__init__() self.shift_method = params["shiftmeth"] if self.shift_method == "linear": self.shiftmeth = self.shift_linear elif self.shift_method == "fourier": self.shiftmeth = self.shift_fft self.padmode = "reflect" self.complexoutput = False elif self.shift_method == "spline": self.shiftmeth = self.shift_spline_wrap else: raise ValueError("Unknown shift method")
[docs] def __call__(self, *args): # input_array,shift): """ Implement the shifts Parameters ---------- *args: args[0] : array_like Input array args[1] : int or tuple Shift amplitude args[2] : str (optional) Padding mode if necessary args[3] : bool (optional) True for complex output or False for real output """ self.input_array = args[0] self.shift = np.array(args[1]) # to be consistent with directions if len(args) == 3: padmode = args[2] else: self.padmode = "reflect" if len(args) == 4: complexoutput = args[3] else: self.complexoutput = False if np.count_nonzero(self.shift) is 0: return self.input_array else: self.ndim = self.input_array.ndim if self.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Only implemented for 1D and 2D arrays") self.n = self.input_array.shape return self.shiftmeth(self.input_array, self.shift)
def _shift_pseudo_linear(self, input_array, shift): """ Shifts an image with wrap around. Performs pixel shift using numpy.roll. Simpler than shift_linear. Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input image to calculate the shifts. shift : int or tuple Number of pixels to shift. For 1D, use a integer value. For 2D, use a tuple of integers where the first value corresponds to shifts in the rows and the second value corresponds to shifts in the columns. Return ------ output_array : array_like Shifted image """ shiftfloor = np.floor(shift).astype(int) if input_array.ndim == 1: output_array = np.roll(input_array, -shift) if input_array.ndim == 2: rows, cols = shift output_array = np.roll(np.roll(input_array, -rows, axis=0), -cols, axis=1) return output_array
[docs] def shift_linear(self, input_array, shift): """ Shifts an image with wrap around and bilinear interpolation Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input image to calculate the shifts. shift : int or tuple Number of pixels to shift. For 1D, use a integer value. For 2D, use a tuple of integers where the first value corresponds to shifts in the rows and the second value corresponds to shifts in the columns. Return ------ output_array : array_like Shifted image """ # pixel shift shiftfloor = np.floor(shift).astype(int) output_array = self._shift_pseudo_linear(input_array, shiftfloor) # Subpixel (bilinear) tau = shift - shiftfloor if np.count_nonzero(tau) is not 0: # Subpixel (bilinear) if input_array.ndim == 1: taux = tau output_array = ( output_array * (1 - taux) + self._shift_pseudo_linear(output_array, 1) * taux ) elif input_array.ndim == 2: tauy, taux = tau output_array = ( output_array * (1 - tauy) * (1 - taux) + self._shift_pseudo_linear(output_array, (1, 0)) * tauy * (1 - taux) + self._shift_pseudo_linear(output_array, (0, 1)) * (1 - tauy) * taux + self._shift_pseudo_linear(output_array, (1, 1)) * tauy * taux ) return output_array
[docs] def shift_fft(self, input_array, shift): """ Performs pixel and subpixel shift (with wraping) using pyFFTW. Since FFTW has efficient functions for array sizes which can be decompose in prime factor, the input_array is padded to the next fast size given by pyFFTW.next_fast_len. The padding is done in mode = 'reflect' by default to reduce border artifacts. Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input image to calculate the shifts. shift : int or tuple Number of pixels to shift. For 1D, use a integer value. For 2D, use a tuple of integers where the first value corresponds to shifts in the rows and the second value corresponds to shifts in the columns. Return ------ output_array : array_like Shifted image """ ni = input_array.shape pad_array, N, padw = padfft(input_array, self.padmode) # padding fftw_input_array = fastfftn(pad_array) # forward FFT if input_array.ndim == 1: # 1D array case shiftr = shift H = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * ((shiftr * N))) output_array = fastifftn((fftw_input_array) * H)[: ni[0]] # ~ output_array = fastifftn((fftw_input_array)*H)[padw:-padw] elif input_array.ndim == 2: # 2D array case Nc, Nr = N # reverted order to be compatible with meshgrid output shift_rows, shift_cols = shift H = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * ((shift_rows * Nr) + (shift_cols * Nc))) output_array = fastifftn((fftw_input_array) * H)[: ni[0], : ni[1]] # ~ output_array = fastifftn((fftw_input_array)*H)[padw[0]:-padw[0],padw[1]:-padw[1]] if not self.complexoutput: output_array = output_array.real # TODO: this is weird, to be checked # ~ output_array = np.angle(np.exp(1j*output_array)) return output_array
[docs] def shift_spline_wrap(self, input_array, shift): """ Performs pixel and subpixel shift (with wraping) using splines Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input image to calculate the shifts. shift : int or tuple Number of pixels to shift. For 1D, use a integer value. For 2D, use a tuple of integers where the first value corresponds to shifts in the rows and the second value corresponds to shifts in the columns. Return ------ output_array : array_like Shifted image """ if input_array.ndim == 1: # 1D array case shift_rows = shift output_array = interpolation.shift( input_array, -shift_rows, order=self.splineorder, mode=self.padmode ) elif input_array.ndim == 2: # 2D array case shift_rows, shift_cols = shift output_array = interpolation.shift( input_array, (-shift_rows, -shift_cols), order=self.splineorder, mode=self.padmode, ) return output_array