Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Standard library imports
from functools import reduce
import math
import operator

__all__ = ["binlist", "numVals", "perturbShape", "chunk_shape_3D"]


[docs]def binlist(n, width=0): """ Return list of bits that represent a non-negative integer. Parameters ---------- n : int non-negative integer width : int number of bits in returned zero-filled list (default 0) """ return list(map(int, list(bin(n)[2:].zfill(width))))
[docs]def numVals(shape): """ Return number of values in chunk of specified shape, given by a list of dimension lengths. Parameters ---------- shape : sequence of ints list of variable dimension sizes """ if len(shape) == 0: return 1 return reduce(operator.mul, shape)
[docs]def perturbShape(shape, onbits): """ Return shape perturbed by adding 1 to elements corresponding to 1 bits in onbits Parameters ---------- shape : sequence of ints list of variable dimension sizes onbits : int non-negative integer less than 2**len(shape) """ return list(map(sum, zip(shape, binlist(onbits, len(shape)))))
[docs]def chunk_shape_3D(varShape, valSize=4, chunkSize=4096): """ Return a 'good shape' for a 3D variable, assuming balanced 1D/(n-1)D access [#site]_ Parameters ---------- varShape : sequence of ints length 3 list of variable dimension sizes chunkSize : int, optional maximum chunksize desired, in bytes (default 4096) valSize : int, optional size of each data value, in bytes (default 4) Returns ------- tuple Returns integer chunk lengths of a chunk shape that provides balanced access of 1D subsets and 2D subsets of a netCDF or HDF5 variable var with shape (T, X, Y), where the 1D subsets are of the form var[:,x,y] and the 2D slices are of the form var[t,:,:], typically 1D time series and 2D spatial slices. Notes ----- 'Good shape' for chunks means that the number of chunks accessed to read either kind of 1D or 2D subset is approximately equal, and the size of each chunk (uncompressed) is no more than chunkSize, which is often a disk block size. Code fetched from [#code1]_ and [#code2]_. References ---------- .. [#site] .. [#code1] .. [#code2] """ rank = 3 chunkVals = chunkSize / float(valSize) # ideal number of values in a chunk numChunks = ( varShape[0] * varShape[1] * varShape[2] / chunkVals ) # ideal number of chunks axisChunks = numChunks ** 0.25 # ideal number of chunks along each 2D axis cFloor = [] # will be first estimate of good chunk shape # cFloor = [varShape[0] // axisChunks**2, varShape[1] // axisChunks, varShape[2] // axisChunks] # except that each chunk shape dimension must be at least 1 # chunkDim = max(1.0, varShape[0] // axisChunks**2) if varShape[0] / axisChunks ** 2 < 1.0: chunkDim = 1.0 axisChunks = axisChunks / math.sqrt(varShape[0] / axisChunks ** 2) else: chunkDim = varShape[0] // axisChunks ** 2 cFloor.append(chunkDim) prod = 1.0 # factor to increase other dims if some must be increased to 1.0 for ii in range(1, rank): if varShape[ii] / axisChunks < 1.0: prod *= axisChunks / varShape[ii] for ii in range(1, rank): if varShape[ii] / axisChunks < 1.0: chunkDim = 1.0 else: chunkDim = (prod * varShape[ii]) // axisChunks cFloor.append(chunkDim) # cFloor is typically too small, (numVals(cFloor) < chunkSize) # Adding 1 to each shape dim results in chunks that are too large, # (numVals(cCeil) > chunkSize). Want to just add 1 to some of the # axes to get as close as possible to chunkSize without exceeding # it. Here we use brute force, compute numVals(cCand) for all # 2**rank candidates and return the one closest to chunkSize # without exceeding it. bestChunkSize = 0 cBest = cFloor for ii in range(8): # cCand = map(sum,zip(cFloor, binlist(i, rank))) cCand = perturbShape(cFloor, ii) thisChunkSize = valSize * numVals(cCand) if bestChunkSize < thisChunkSize <= chunkSize: bestChunkSize = thisChunkSize cBest = list(cCand) # make a copy of best candidate so far return tuple(map(int, cBest))