Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Files read and write

# Standard library imports
import fnmatch
import glob
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import time

# third party packages
# import libtiff <- found problem with this library
####                needs to install libtiff4-dev, but I cannot
import fabio
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb
import numpy as np
from skimage import io

__all__ = [

[docs]def read_recon(filename, correct_orientation=False): """ Wrapper for choosing the function to read recon file Parameters ---------- pathfilename : str Path to file correct_orientation : bool, optional True for correcting the image orientation and False to keep as it is. The default value is ``False``. Returns ------- data1 : array_like, complex Object image probe1 : array_like, complex Probe images pixelsize : list of floats List with pixelsizes in vertical and horizontal directions energy : float Energy of the incident photons Examples -------- >>> imgpath = 'filename.ptyr' >>> objdata, probedata, pixel, energy = read_recon(imgpath) """ fileprefix, fileext = os.path.splitext(filename) if fileext == ".ptyr": # Ptypy read_reconfile = read_ptyr elif fileext == ".cxi": # PyNX read_reconfile = read_cxi elif fileext == ".edf": # edf projections read_reconfile = read_edf else: raise IOError( "File {} is not a .ptyr, nor a .cxi, nor a .edf file. Please, load a compatible file.".format( filename ) ) return read_reconfile(filename, correct_orientation)
[docs]def read_volfile(filename): """ Read tomogram from .vol file Parameters ---------- filename : str filename to be read Return ------ tomogram : array_like 3D array containing the tomogram voxelsize : floats Voxel size in meters arrayshape : tuple of floats The array shape: (x_size, y_size, z_size) Examples -------- >>> volpath = 'volfilename.vol' >>> tomogram,voxelsize,arrayshape = read_volfile(volpath) Note ---- The volume info file containing the metadata of the volume should be in the same folder as the volume file. """ # Usually, the file contains de size of the volume linesff = [] infofilename = filename + ".info" with open(infofilename, "r") as fid: for lines in fid: linesff.append(lines.strip("\n")) x_size = int(linesff[1].split("=")[1]) y_size = int(linesff[2].split("=")[1]) z_size = int(linesff[3].split("=")[1]) voxelsize = float(linesff[4].split("=")[1]) * 1e-6 arrayshape = (x_size, y_size, z_size) # Now we read indeed the .vol file tomogram = np.fromfile(filename, dtype=np.float32).reshape((z_size, x_size, y_size)) return tomogram, voxelsize, arrayshape
[docs]def memmap_volfile(filename): """ Memory map the tomogram from .vol file Parameters ---------- filename : str filename to be read Return ------ tomogram : array_like 3D array containing the tomogram voxelSize : floats Voxel size in meters arrayshape : tuple of floats The array shape: (x_size, y_size, z_size) Examples -------- >>> volpath = 'volfilename.vol' >>> tomogram,voxelsize,arrayshape = memmap_volfile(volpath) Note ---- The volume info file containing the metadata of the volume should be in the same folder as the volume file. """ # Usually, the file contains de size of the volume linesff = [] infofilename = filename + ".info" with open(infofilename, "r") as fid: for lines in fid: linesff.append(lines.strip("\n")) x_size = int(linesff[1].split("=")[1]) y_size = int(linesff[2].split("=")[1]) z_size = int(linesff[3].split("=")[1]) voxelsize = float(linesff[4].split("=")[1]) * 1e-6 arrayshape = (x_size, y_size, z_size) # Now we read indeed the .vol file tomogram = np.memmap( filename, dtype=np.float32, mode="r", shape=(z_size, x_size, y_size) ) return tomogram, voxelsize, arrayshape
[docs]def read_tiff_info(tiff_info_file): """ Read info file from tiff slices of the reconstructed tomographic volume Parameters ---------- tiff_info_file : str Info filename Returns ------- low_cutoff : float Low cutoff of the gray level high_cutoff : float High cutoff of the gray level pixelsize : float Pixelsize in nanometers Note ---- The info file here is the file that is save when the volume is exported to Tiff files. It is not the info file saved by the volume reconstruction when saving the file in .vol. """ # read info file # with open(tiff_info_beta,'r') as ff: with open(tiff_info_file, "r") as ff: info_file = ff.readlines() print(info_file) # separate the infos low_cutoff = np.float(info_file[0].strip().split("=")[1]) high_cutoff = np.float(info_file[1].strip().split("=")[1]) factor = np.float(info_file[2].strip().split("=")[1]) # ~ pixelsize_beta = np.array([np.float(x) for x in (info_beta[3].strip().split('=')[1]).strip().lstrip('[').rstrip(']').split()]) pixelsize = ( np.float( (info_file[3].strip().split("=")[1]) .strip() .lstrip("[") .rstrip("]") .split()[0] ) * 1e-9 ) return low_cutoff, high_cutoff, factor, pixelsize
def _reorient_ptyrimg(input_array): """ Auxiliary function to corrects the orientation of the image and probe from the arrays in ptyr file """ # reorienting the probe if input_array.ndim == 3: output_array = np.empty_like(input_array) for ii in range(len(input_array)): output_array[ii] = np.fliplr(np.transpose(input_array[ii])) elif input_array.ndim == 2: output_array = np.fliplr(np.transpose(input_array)) else: raise ValueError(u"Wrong dimensions for the array") return output_array metaptyr = dict() def _print_attrs_ptyr(name): """ Auxiliary function to indentify from where the data must be read in the ptyr files """ global metaptyr if "obj" in name: if "_psize" in name: metaptyr["psize_h5path"] = name if "_energy" in name: metaptyr["energy_h5path"] = name if "data" in name: metaptyr["obj_h5path"] = name if "probe" in name: if "data" in name: metaptyr["probe_h5path"] = name if "theta" in name: metaptyr["theta"] = name def _findh5paths(filename): """ Auxiliary function to indentify from where the data must be read in the HDF5 files """ global metaptyr with h5py.File(filename, "r") as fid: fid.visit(_print_attrs_ptyr) print(metaptyr)
[docs]def read_ptyr(pathfilename, correct_orientation=True): """ Read reconstruction files .ptyr from Ptypy Parameters ---------- pathfilename : str Path to file correct_orientation : bool, optional True for correcting the image orientation and False to keep as it is. The default value is ``True``. Returns ------- data1 : array_like, complex Object image probe1 : array_like, complex Probe images pixelsize : list of floats List with pixelsizes in vertical and horizontal directions energy : float Energy of the incident photons Examples -------- >>> imgpath = 'filename.ptyr' >>> objdata, probedata, pixel, energy = read_ptyr(imgpath) """ global metaptyr if metaptyr == {}: print("meta is empty") _findh5paths(pathfilename) with h5py.File(pathfilename, "r") as fid: # get the data from the object data0 = np.squeeze(fid[metaptyr["obj_h5path"]]).astype(np.complex64) # get the data from the probe probe0 = np.squeeze(fid[metaptyr["probe_h5path"]]).astype(np.complex64) # get the pixel size pixelsize = (fid[metaptyr["psize_h5path"]][()]).astype(np.float32) # get the energy energy = (fid[metaptyr["energy_h5path"]][()]).astype(np.float32) # reorienting the object if correct_orientation: data1 = _reorient_ptyrimg(data0) probe1 = _reorient_ptyrimg(probe0) return data1, probe1, pixelsize, energy
[docs]def read_theta_recon(reconfile): """ Auxiliary function to read theta from recon files Parameters ---------- reconfile : str Path to recon file Returns ------- theta : float Tomographic angle Examples -------- >>> imgpath = 'filename.ptyr' >>> theta = read_theta_recon(imgpath) """ global metaptyr if metaptyr == {}: print("meta is empty") _findh5paths(pathfilename) with h5py.File(reconfile, "r") as fid: theta = (fid[metaptyr["theta"]][()]).astype(np.float16) return theta
[docs]def read_theta_raw(pathfilename,detector="Frelon"): """ Auxiliary function to read theta from raw data acquired at ID16A Parameters ---------- pathfilename : str Path to file Returns ------- theta : float Tomographic angle Examples -------- >>> imgpath = 'filename.h5' >>> theta = read_theta_raw(imgpath) """ h5path_motorname = "entry_0000/instrument/{}/header/motor_mne ".format(detector) h5path_motorpos = "entry_0000/instrument/{}/header/motor_pos ".format(detector) with h5py.File(pathfilename, "r") as fid: motorname_str = fid[h5path_motorname][()] motorpos_str = fid[h5path_motorpos][()] motorname = str(motorname_str).split("'")[1].split() # motor name motorpos = [eval(kk) for kk in str(motorpos_str).split("'")[1].split()] # motor pos motoridx = motorname.index("somega") return motorpos[motoridx]
def _h5py_dataset_iterator(g, prefix=""): """ Auxiliary function to iterate over the h5 file datasets """ for key in g.keys(): item = g[key] path = "{}/{}".format(prefix, key) if isinstance(item, h5py.Dataset): # test for dataset yield (path, item[()]) elif isinstance(item, h5py.Group): # test for group (go down) yield from _h5py_dataset_iterator(item, path) metacxi = dict() def _h5pathcxi(filename): """ h5py visititems does not find links """ global metacxi with h5py.File(filename, "r") as fid: listpath = [ path for path, dset in _h5py_dataset_iterator(fid) if "object" in path or "probe" in path or "incident_energy" in path ] metacxi["obj_h5path"] = [ ii for ii in sorted(listpath) if "object/data" in ii and ii.endswith("data") ][-1] metacxi["probe_h5path"] = [ ii for ii in sorted(listpath) if "probe/data" in ii and ii.endswith("data") ][-1] metacxi["xpsize_h5path"] = [ ii for ii in sorted(listpath) if "object/x_pixel_size" in ii and ii.endswith("x_pixel_size") ][-1] metacxi["ypsize_h5path"] = [ ii for ii in sorted(listpath) if "object/y_pixel_size" in ii and ii.endswith("y_pixel_size") ][-1] metacxi["energy_h5path"] = [ ii for ii in sorted(listpath) if "incident_energy" in ii ][-1]
[docs]def read_cxi(pathfilename, correct_orientation=True): """ Read reconstruction files .cxi from PyNX Parameters ---------- pathfilename : str Path to file correct_orientation : bool True for correcting the image orientation and False to keep as it is. The default value is ``True``. Returns ------- data1 : array_like, complex Object image probe1 : array_like, complex Probe images pixelsize : list of floats List with pixelsizes in vertical and horizontal directions energy : float Energy of the incident photons Examples -------- >>> imgpath = 'filename.cxi' >>> objdata, probedata, pixel, energy = read_cxi(imgpath) """ global metacxi if metacxi == {}: print("meta is empty") _h5pathcxi(pathfilename) factorJ2eV = 1.602177e-16 with h5py.File(pathfilename, "r") as fid: # get the data from the object data0 = np.squeeze(fid[metacxi["obj_h5path"]]).astype(np.complex64) # get the data from the probe probe0 = np.squeeze(fid[metacxi["probe_h5path"]]).astype(np.complex64) # get the pixel size pixelsizex = fid[metacxi["xpsize_h5path"]][()] pixelsizey = fid[metacxi["ypsize_h5path"]][()] energy = round(fid[metacxi["energy_h5path"]][()] / factorJ2eV, 2) pixelsize = np.array([pixelsizex, pixelsizey]).astype(np.float32) # reorienting the object if correct_orientation: data1 = _reorient_ptyrimg(data0) probe1 = _reorient_ptyrimg(probe0) return data1, probe1, pixelsize, energy
[docs]def crop_array(input_array, delcropx, delcropy): """ Crop borders from 2D arrays Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input array to be cropped delcropx, delcropy : int Number of pixels to be crop from borders in x and y directions Returns ------- cropped_array : array_like Cropped array """ if delcropx is not None or delcropy is not None: print("Cropping ROI of data") print("Before: " + input_array.shape) print(input_array[delcropy:-delcropy, delcropx:-delcropx].shape) if input_array.ndim == 2: return input_array[delcropy:-delcropy, delcropx:-delcropx] elif input_array.ndim == 3: return input_array[:, delcropy:-delcropy, delcropx:-delcropx] print("After: " + input_array.shape) else: print("No cropping of data") return input_array
[docs]def write_edf(fname, data_array, hd=None): """ Write EDF files Parameters ---------- fname : str File name data_array : array_like Data to be saved as edf hd : dict Dictionary with header information """ with fabio.edfimage.edfimage() as fid: = data_array if hd is not None: # if header information fid.header = hd fid.write(fname) # writing the file
[docs]def read_edf(fname): """ Read EDF files of tomographic datasets Parameters ---------- fname : str Path to file Returns ------- projs : array_like Array of projections pixelsize : list of floats List with pixelsizes in vertical and horizontal directions energy : float Energy of the incident photons nvue : int Number of projections """ imgobj = imgdata = try: pixelsize = eval(imgobj.header["pixel_size"]) except: pixelsize = 1 try: energy = eval(imgobj.header["energy"]) except: raise AttributeError("Value of energy not found") try: nvue = eval(imgobj.header["nvue"]) except: raise AttributeError("Number of projections not found") imgobj.close() return imgdata, pixelsize, energy, nvue
[docs]def load_paramsh5(**params): """ Load parameters from HDF5 file of parameters """ # read parameter file paramsh5file = params["samplename"] + "_params.h5" with h5py.File(paramsh5file, "r") as fid: # read the inputkwargs dict out_params = dict() for keys in sorted(list(fid["info"].keys())): out_params[keys] = fid["info/{}".format(keys)][()] # TODO: this is a quick fix to convert bytes to str # have to find a better and more elegant way to do this if isinstance(out_params[keys], bytes): out_params[keys] = str(out_params[keys], "utf-8") out_params.update(params) # add/update with new values return out_params
[docs]def create_paramsh5(**params): """ Create parameter file in HDF5 format Parameters ---------- params : dict Dictionary containing the parameters to be saved """ # create a parameter file print("Creating the h5 parameter file") filename = params["samplename"] + "_params.h5" # print(pathparamsh5) # paramsh5file = os.path.join(pathparamsh5,filename) write_paramsh5(filename, **params)
[docs]def write_paramsh5(h5filename, **params): """ Writes params to HDF5 file Parameters ---------- h5filename : str Filename of the params file params : dict Dictionary containing the parameters to be saved """ # check if file already exists and overwritte it if so if os.path.isfile(h5filename): print("File {} already exists and will be overwritten".format(h5filename)) # writing the file with h5py.File(h5filename, "w") as ff: dt = h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str) # special type for str for h5py for k, v in sorted(params.items()): if v is None: v = "none" ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v, dtype=dt) elif isinstance(v, bytes): # bytes ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v.decode("utf-8"), dtype=dt) elif isinstance(v, str): # string ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v, dtype=dt) elif isinstance(v, bool) or isinstance(v, np.bool_): # boolean ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v, dtype=bool) elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): # float array ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v, dtype=np.float32) elif isinstance(v, list): # list to float array ff.create_dataset( "info/{}".format(k), data=np.array(v), dtype=np.float16 ) elif ( isinstance(v, np.float32) or isinstance(v, float) or isinstance(v, np.float) ): # float ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v, dtype=np.float32) elif ( isinstance(v, np.int32) or isinstance(v, or isinstance(v, int) ): # integer ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v, dtype=np.int16) elif isinstance(v, bytes): ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v.decode("utf-8"), dtype=dt) else: ff.create_dataset("info/{}".format(k), data=v) # other
[docs]def read_tiff(imgpath): """ Read tiff files using Parameters ---------- imgpath : str Path to tiff file with extension Returns ------- imgout : array_like Array containing the image Examples -------- >>> imgpath = 'image.tiff' >>> ar = read_tiff(imgpath) >>> ar.dtype dtype('uint16') >>> np.max(ar) 65535 """ # tiff =, mode="r") # imgout = tiff.read_image() # tiff.close() imgout = io.imread(imgpath) return imgout
[docs]def write_tiff(input_array, pathfilename, plugin="tifffile"): """ Write tiff files using Parameters ---------- input_array : array_like Input array to be saved pathfilename : str Path and filename to save the file """ # Writing to file # tiff =, "w") # tiff.write_image(input_array) # tiff.close() io.imsave(pathfilename, input_array, plugin=plugin)
[docs]def write_tiffmetadata(filename, low_cutoff, high_cutoff, factor, **params): """ Creates a txt file with the information about the Tiff normalization Parameters ---------- filename : str Filename to save the file. low_cutoff : float Low cutoff value for the tiff normalization. high_cutoff : float High cutoff value for the tiff normalization. factor : float Multiplicative factor in case it is needed. params : dict Dictionary of additional parameters. params["voxelsize"] : float Voxel size. params["filtertype"] : str Filter used in the tomographic reconstruction. params["freqcutoff"] : float Frequency cutoff used in the tomographic reconstruction. params["bits"] : int The tiff type. Options: `8` for 8 bits or `16` for 16 bits. """ try: voxelsize = params["voxelsize"] * 1e9 # in nm except KeyError: voxelsize = params["pixelsize"] * 1e9 filtertype = params["filtertype"] freqcutoff = params["freqcutoff"] nbits = params["bits"] # writing fid = open(filename, "w") fid.write("# Tomo filter = {}\n".format(filtertype)) fid.write("# Tomo filter cutoff = {}\n".format(freqcutoff)) fid.write("# low_cutoff = {}\n".format(low_cutoff)) fid.write("# high_cutoff = {}\n".format(high_cutoff)) fid.write("# factor = {}\n".format(factor)) fid.write("# voxel size = {} nm\n".format(voxelsize)) fid.write("# to convert back to quantitative values:\n") fid.write( "# low_cutoff + [(high_cutoff-low_cutoff)*tiff_image/(2^{:d}-1)] \n".format( nbits ) ) fid.close()
[docs]def convertimageto16bits(input_image, low_cutoff, high_cutoff): """ Convert image gray-level to 16 bits with normalization Parameters ---------- input_image : array_like Input image to be converted. low_cutoff : float Low cutoff of the gray level. high_cutoff : float High cutoff of the gray level. Returns ------- tiffimage : array_like Array containing the image at 16 bits. """ # Tiff normalization - 16 bits imgtiff = input_image - low_cutoff imgtiff /= high_cutoff - low_cutoff imgtiff *= 2 ** 16 - 1 # 16 bits return np.uint16(imgtiff)
[docs]def convertimageto8bits(input_image, low_cutoff, high_cutoff): """ Convert image gray-level to 8 bits with normalization. Parameters ---------- input_image : array_like Input image to be converted. low_cutoff : float Low cutoff of the gray level. high_cutoff : float High cutoff of the gray level. Returns ------- tiffimage : array_like Array containing the image at 8 bits. """ # Tiff normalization - 8 bits imgtiff = input_image - low_cutoff imgtiff /= high_cutoff - low_cutoff imgtiff *= 2 ** 8 - 1 # 8 bits return np.uint8(imgtiff)
[docs]def convert16bitstiff(tiffimage, low_cutoff, high_cutoff): """ Convert 16 bits tiff files back to quantitative values. Parameters ---------- imgpath : array_like Image read from 16 bits tiff file. low_cutoff : float Low cutoff of the gray level. high_cutoff : float High cutoff of the gray level. Returns ------- tiffimage : array_like Array containing the image with quantitative values. """ tiffimage = tiffimage.astype(np.float) # Convert to 16 bits tiffimage /= 2 ** 16 - 1 tiffimage *= high_cutoff - low_cutoff tiffimage += low_cutoff return tiffimage
[docs]def convert8bitstiff(filename, low_cutoff, high_cutoff): """ Convert 8bits tiff files back to quantitative values. Parameters ---------- imgpath : array_like Image read from 8 bits tiff file. low_cutoff : float Low cutoff of the gray level. high_cutoff : float High cutoff of the gray level. Returns ------- tiffimage : array_like Array containing the image with quantitative values. """ tiffimage = tiffimage.astype(np.float) # Convert to 8 bits tiffimage /= 2 ** 8 - 1 tiffimage *= high_cutoff - low_cutoff tiffimage += low_cutoff return tiffimage