Source code for toupy.restoration.GUI_tracker

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# third party packages
from IPython import display
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import MultiCursor
from matplotlib.widgets import Button  # , RectangleSelector
from matplotlib.widgets import TextBox
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fftfreq

# from roipoly import RoiPoly, MultiRoi
from skimage.restoration import unwrap_phase

# local packages
from import LoadData, SaveData
from .ramptools import rmphaseramp, rmlinearphase, rmair
from .roipoly import roipoly
from ..utils import progbar, isnotebook

__all__ = ["gui_plotamp", "gui_plotphase", "AmpTracker", "PhaseTracker"]

def _unwrapping_phase(imgin, mask):
    Unwrap phase
    # print("\nUnwrapping phase")
    unwrapimg = unwrap_phase(imgin)
    if np.any(mask == True):
        # print('Correcting for air/vacuum regions')
        vals = unwrapimg[np.where(mask == True)].mean()
        unwrapimg -= 2 * np.pi * np.round(vals / (2 * np.pi))
    return unwrapimg

def _removing_phaseramp(imgin, mask):
    Remove phase ramp
    imgin = np.exp(1j * imgin).copy()
    # ~ corrimg = np.angle(remove_linearphase(imgin, mask, 100)).copy()
    corrimg = np.angle(rmlinearphase(imgin, mask)).copy()
    return corrimg

def _crop_stack(stack_images, cropreg):
    Crop stack of images for the phase ramp removal

    stack_images : array_like
        Stack of images
    cropreg : sequence of ints
        List of number of pixel to cut from border. The order is
        [left, bottom, right, top]

    crop_stack : array_like
        Cropped stack
    return stack_images[:, cropreg[0] : -cropreg[0], cropreg[1] : -cropreg[1]]

[docs]def gui_plotamp(stack_objs, **params): """ GUI for the air removal from amplitude projections Parameters ---------- stack_objs : array_like Stack of amplitude projections params : dict Dictionary of additonal parameters params["autosave"] : bool Save the projections once load without asking params["correct_bad"] : bool If true, it will interpolate bad projections. The numbers of projections to be corrected is given by `params["bad_projs"]`. params["bad_projs"] : list of ints List of projections to be interpolated. It starts at 0. params["vmin"] : float, None Minimum value of gray-level to display params["vmax"] : float, None Maximum value of gray-level to display Returns ------- stack_ampcorr : array_like Stack of corrected amplitude projections """ if params["crop_reg"] is not None: if params["crop_reg"] != []: # cropping the image for the phase ramp removal stack_objs = _crop_stack(stack_objs, params["crop_reg"]) plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure(4) gs = gridspec.GridSpec( 3, 3, width_ratios=[8, 3, 2], height_ratios=[8, 4.5, 0.5] # figure=4, ) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[3]) tracker = AmpTracker(fig, ax1, ax2, stack_objs, **params) # Button draw mask axdraw = plt.axes([0.58, 0.82, 0.19, 0.06]) bdraw = Button(axdraw, "draw mask") bdraw.on_clicked(tracker.draw_mask) # Button Close figure axclose = plt.axes([0.78, 0.82, 0.19, 0.06]) bclose = Button(axclose, "close figure") bclose.on_clicked(tracker.onclose) # Button add mask axadd = plt.axes([0.58, 0.72, 0.19, 0.06]) badd = Button(axadd, "add mask") badd.on_clicked(tracker.add_mask) # Button Apply mask axapply = plt.axes([0.78, 0.72, 0.19, 0.06]) bapply = Button(axapply, "apply mask") bapply.on_clicked(tracker.apply_mask) # Button mask to all axmaskall = plt.axes([0.58, 0.62, 0.19, 0.06]) bmaskall = Button(axmaskall, "mask all") bmaskall.on_clicked(tracker.mask_all) # Button Apply all mask axapplyall = plt.axes([0.78, 0.62, 0.19, 0.06]) bapplyall = Button(axapplyall, "apply all masks") bapplyall.on_clicked(tracker.apply_all_masks) # Button remove mask axremove = plt.axes([0.58, 0.52, 0.19, 0.06]) bremove = Button(axremove, "remove mask") bremove.on_clicked(tracker.remove_mask) # Button remove all mask axremoveall = plt.axes([0.58, 0.42, 0.19, 0.06]) bremoveall = Button(axremoveall, "remove all mask") bremoveall.on_clicked(tracker.remove_all_mask) # Button Save masks axsave = plt.axes([0.58, 0.32, 0.19, 0.06]) bsave = Button(axsave, "save masks") bsave.on_clicked(tracker.save_masks) # Button load mask from file axload = plt.axes([0.58, 0.22, 0.19, 0.06]) bload = Button(axload, "load masks") bload.on_clicked(tracker.load_masks) # text boxes axboxprojn = plt.axes([0.125, 0.05, 0.1, 0.06]) text_box = TextBox(axboxprojn, "Goto #", initial="1") text_box.on_submit(tracker.submit) # ~ text_box.on_text_change(tracker.updateval) # Colormap boxes axboxvmin = plt.axes([0.67, 0.05, 0.1, 0.06]) textboxvmin = TextBox(axboxvmin, "vmin", initial="None") textboxvmin.on_submit(tracker.cmvmin) axboxvmax = plt.axes([0.87, 0.05, 0.1, 0.06]) textboxvmax = TextBox(axboxvmax, "vmax", initial="None") textboxvmax.on_submit(tracker.cmvmax) # give the name for colormap boxes cmap_title = plt.axes([0.72, 0.14, 0.1, 0.06]) cmap_title.set_axis_off() cmap_title.text(0, 0, "Colormap", fontsize=14) # axboxvmin.set_title('Colormap') # Buttons Prev/Next axprev = plt.axes([0.28, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06]) axnext = plt.axes([0.35, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06]) bnext = Button(axnext, ">") bnext.on_clicked(tracker.up) bprev = Button(axprev, "<") bprev.on_clicked(tracker.down) # Button Play axplay = plt.axes([0.445, 0.05, 0.1, 0.06]) bplay = Button(axplay, "play") bplay.on_clicked( # Connect scroll and key_press events fig.canvas.mpl_connect("scroll_event", tracker.onscroll) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", tracker.key_event) multi = MultiCursor(fig.canvas, (ax1, ax2), color="r", lw=1) # if isnotebook(): display.display(fig) display.display(fig.canvas) # display.clear_output(wait=True) else: a = input("Press Enter to finish\n") # output of the linear phase removal stack_ampcorr = tracker.X1.copy() # tracker.X1 is where the data is stored plt.close("all") return stack_ampcorr
[docs]def gui_plotphase(stack_objs, **params): """ GUI for the phase ramp removal from phase projections Parameters ---------- stack_objs : array_like Stack of phase projections params : dict Dictionary of additonal parameters params["autosave"] : bool Save the projections once load without asking params["correct_bad"] : bool If true, it will interpolate bad projections. The numbers of projections to be corrected is given by `params["bad_projs"]`. params["bad_projs"] : list of ints List of projections to be interpolated. It starts at 0. params["vmin"] : float, None Minimum value of gray-level to display params["vmax"] : float, None Maximum value of gray-level to display Returns ------- stack_phasecorr : array_like Stack of corrected phase projections """ if params["crop_reg"] is not None: if params["crop_reg"] != []: # cropping the image for the phase ramp removal stack_objs = _crop_stack(stack_objs, params["crop_reg"]) plt.close("all") fig = plt.figure(1) gs = gridspec.GridSpec( 3, 3, width_ratios=[8, 3, 2], height_ratios=[8, 4.5, 0.5] # figure=4, ) ax1 = plt.subplot(gs[0]) ax2 = plt.subplot(gs[3]) tracker = PhaseTracker(fig, ax1, ax2, stack_objs, **params) # Button draw mask axdraw = plt.axes([0.58, 0.82, 0.19, 0.06]) bdraw = Button(axdraw, "draw mask") bdraw.on_clicked(tracker.draw_mask) # Button Close figure axclose = plt.axes([0.78, 0.82, 0.19, 0.06]) bclose = Button(axclose, "close figure") bclose.on_clicked(tracker.onclose) # Button add mask axadd = plt.axes([0.58, 0.72, 0.19, 0.06]) badd = Button(axadd, "add mask") badd.on_clicked(tracker.add_mask) # Button Apply mask axapply = plt.axes([0.78, 0.72, 0.19, 0.06]) bapply = Button(axapply, "apply mask") bapply.on_clicked(tracker.apply_mask) # Button mask to all axmaskall = plt.axes([0.58, 0.62, 0.19, 0.06]) bmaskall = Button(axmaskall, "mask all") bmaskall.on_clicked(tracker.mask_all) # Button Apply all mask axapplyall = plt.axes([0.78, 0.62, 0.19, 0.06]) bapplyall = Button(axapplyall, "apply all masks") bapplyall.on_clicked(tracker.apply_all_masks) # Button remove mask axremove = plt.axes([0.58, 0.52, 0.19, 0.06]) bremove = Button(axremove, "remove mask") bremove.on_clicked(tracker.remove_mask) # Button remove phase ramp axrmramp = plt.axes([0.78, 0.52, 0.19, 0.06]) brmramp = Button(axrmramp, "remove ramp") brmramp.on_clicked(tracker.remove_ramp) # Button remove all mask axremoveall = plt.axes([0.58, 0.42, 0.19, 0.06]) bremoveall = Button(axremoveall, "remove all mask") bremoveall.on_clicked(tracker.remove_all_mask) # Button remove all phase ramp axrmrampall = plt.axes([0.78, 0.42, 0.19, 0.06]) brmrampall = Button(axrmrampall, "remove all ramp") brmrampall.on_clicked(tracker.remove_rampall) # Button Save masks axsave = plt.axes([0.58, 0.32, 0.19, 0.06]) bsave = Button(axsave, "save masks") bsave.on_clicked(tracker.save_masks) # Button unwrap axunwrap = plt.axes([0.78, 0.32, 0.19, 0.06]) bunwrap = Button(axunwrap, "unwrap") bunwrap.on_clicked(tracker.unwrapping_phase) # Button load mask from file axload = plt.axes([0.58, 0.22, 0.19, 0.06]) bload = Button(axload, "load masks") bload.on_clicked(tracker.load_masks) # Button unwrap all axunwrapall = plt.axes([0.78, 0.22, 0.19, 0.06]) bunwrapall = Button(axunwrapall, "unwrap all") bunwrapall.on_clicked(tracker.unwrapping_all) # text boxes axboxprojn = plt.axes([0.125, 0.05, 0.1, 0.06]) text_box = TextBox(axboxprojn, "Goto #", initial="1") text_box.on_submit(tracker.submit) # Colormap boxes axboxvmin = plt.axes([0.67, 0.05, 0.1, 0.06]) textboxvmin = TextBox(axboxvmin, "vmin", initial="None") textboxvmin.on_submit(tracker.cmvmin) axboxvmax = plt.axes([0.87, 0.05, 0.1, 0.06]) textboxvmax = TextBox(axboxvmax, "vmax", initial="None") textboxvmax.on_submit(tracker.cmvmax) # give the name for colormap boxes cmap_title = plt.axes([0.72, 0.14, 0.1, 0.06]) cmap_title.set_axis_off() cmap_title.text(0, 0, "Colormap", fontsize=14) # axboxvmin.set_title('Colormap') # Buttons Prev/Next axprev = plt.axes([0.28, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06]) axnext = plt.axes([0.35, 0.05, 0.05, 0.06]) bnext = Button(axnext, ">") bnext.on_clicked(tracker.up) bprev = Button(axprev, "<") bprev.on_clicked(tracker.down) # Button Play axplay = plt.axes([0.445, 0.05, 0.1, 0.06]) bplay = Button(axplay, "play") bplay.on_clicked( # Connect scroll and key_press events fig.canvas.mpl_connect("scroll_event", tracker.onscroll) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", tracker.key_event) multi = MultiCursor(fig.canvas, (ax1, ax2), color="r", lw=1) # if isnotebook(): display.display(fig) display.display(fig.canvas) # display.clear_output(wait=True) else: a = input("Press Enter to finish\n") # output of the linear phase removal stack_phasecorr = tracker.X1.copy() # tracker.X1 is where the data is stored plt.close("all") return stack_phasecorr
[docs]class PhaseTracker(object): """ Widgets for the phase ramp removal """ def __init__(self, fig, ax1, ax2, X1, **params): self.fig = fig self.ax1 = ax1 self.ax2 = ax2 ax1.set_title("Use scroll wheel or \n left/right arrows to navigate images") self.X1 = X1.copy() if np.iscomplexobj(self.X1): raise ValueError("The array is complex") self.projs, self.rows, self.cols = X1.shape self.hcen = int(self.rows / 2.0) self.X2 = self.X1[:, self.hcen, :].copy() self.mask = np.zeros_like(X1, dtype=bool) self.ind = 0 self.params = params self.vmin = params["vmin"] self.vmax = params["vmax"] self.colormap = params["colormap"] # initializing canvas plt.ion() self.im1 = self.ax1.imshow( self.X1[self.ind], cmap=self.colormap, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, ) self.ax1.plot([1, self.cols - 1], [self.hcen, self.hcen], "b--") # ~ self.vmin,self.vmax = self.im1.get_clim() # get colormap limits self.ax1.axis("tight") (self.im2,) = self.ax2.plot(self.X2[self.ind, :]) self.ax2.plot([0, self.cols], [0, 0]) self.pmin, self.pmax = self.ax2.get_ylim() # get plot limits # ax2.axis('tight') self.ax2.set_ylim([2 * self.vmin, 2 * self.vmax]) self.ax2.set_xlim([0, self.cols]) self.update() print("Done. When finished, close figure and press <Enter> to exit")
[docs] def cmvmin(self, val): """ Set the vmin equals to ``val`` on colormap """ if eval(val) >= self.vmax: print("vmin is equal or larger than vmax. Choose smaller value") else: self.vmin = eval(val) # np.clip(eval(val), 0, self.vmax - 1) self.pmin = self.vmin self.update()
[docs] def cmvmax(self, val): """ Set the vmax equals to ``val`` on colormap """ if eval(val) <= self.vmin: print("vmax is equal or smaller than vmin. Choose larger value") else: self.vmax = eval(val) self.pmax = self.vmax self.update()
[docs] def onscroll(self, event): """ Move projection number up/down using the mouse scroll wheel """ if event.button == "up": if self.ind == self.projs: # X1.shape[0]: print("You reached the maximum number of projections") else: self.ind = np.clip(self.ind + 1, 0, self.projs - 1) print( "{} {} - projection {}".format( event.button, event.step, self.ind + 1 ) ) else: if self.ind == 0: print("You reached the first projection") else: self.ind = np.clip(self.ind - 1, 0, self.projs - 1) print( "{} {} - projection {}".format( event.button, event.step, self.ind + 1 ) ) self.update()
[docs] def key_event(self, event): """ Move projection number up/down using right/left arrows in the keyboard """ if event.key == "right": if self.ind == self.projs: # self.X1.shape[0]: print("You reached the maximum number of projections") else: self.ind = np.clip(self.ind + 1, 0, self.projs - 1) print("{} - projection {}".format(event.key, self.ind + 1)) elif event.key == "left": if self.ind == 0: print("You reached the first projection") else: self.ind = np.clip(self.ind - 1, 0, self.projs - 1) print("{} - projection {}".format(event.key, self.ind + 1)) else: return self.update()
[docs] def down(self, event): """ Move projection number down using button Prev """ self.ind = np.clip(self.ind - 1, 0, self.projs - 1) print("Projection {}".format(self.ind + 1)) self.update()
[docs] def up(self, event): """ Move projection number up using button Next """ self.ind = np.clip(self.ind + 1, 0, self.projs - 1) print("Projection {}".format(self.ind + 1)) self.update()
[docs] def draw_mask(self, event): """ Draw the mask using roipoly """ print("\nDrawing the poly") self.img_mask = self.X1[self.ind, :, :] + self.mask[self.ind, :, :] # create another fig in order to close later fig_mask = plt.figure() ax_mask = fig_mask.add_subplot(111) ax_mask.imshow( self.img_mask, cmap=self.colormap, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax ) self.ROI_draw = roipoly(ax=ax_mask)
# ~ self.ROI_draw = RoiPoly(color='b', fig = fig_mask, close_fig=True) # has to close to validate # ~ self.ROI_draw = MultiRoi_mod(fig=fig_mask,ax=ax_mask)#(color='b', fig = self.fig) # ~ print(self.ROI_draw.rois.items()) # ~ print('Done')
[docs] def add_mask(self, event): """ Add the mask to the plot """ print("\nAdding mask") self.mask[self.ind, :, :] |= self.ROI_draw.getMask(self.img_mask) self.ROI_draw.displayROI() self.update()
[docs] def mask_all(self, event): """ Use the same mask for all projections """ print("\nRepeating the same mask for all projections") print("Please wait...") mask = self.ROI_draw.getMask(self.img_mask) self.mask |= np.array([mask for _ in range(self.projs)]) print("Done") self.update()
[docs] def remove_mask(self, event): """ Remove the current selected area from the mask """ print("\nRemoving mask") # self.mask[self.mask_ind,:,:] &= ~self.ROI_draw.getMask(self.img_mask) self.mask[self.ind, :, :] &= ~self.ROI_draw.getMask(self.img_mask) self.update()
[docs] def remove_all_mask(self, event): """ Remove all the masks """ print("\nRemoving all mask") print("Please wait...") mask = self.ROI_draw.getMask(self.img_mask) # self.mask[self.mask_ind,:,:] &= ~self.ROI_draw.getMask(self.img_mask) self.mask &= ~np.array([mask for _ in range(self.projs)]) print("Done") self.update()
[docs] def apply_mask(self, event): """ Apply the linear phase correction using current mask """ print("\nApply the linear phase correction using current mask") self.X1[self.ind] = _removing_phaseramp( self.X1[self.ind], self.mask[self.ind], ) self.X2[self.ind] = self.X1[self.ind, self.hcen, :].copy() self.update()
[docs] def apply_all_masks(self, event): """ Apply the linear phase correction using current mask to all projections """ print( "\nApply the linear phase correction using current mask to all projections" ) for ii in range(self.projs): self.ind = ii strbar = "Projection {} out of {}".format(ii + 1, self.projs) self.X1[ii] = _removing_phaseramp( self.X1[ii], self.mask[ii], ) self.X2[ii] = self.X1[ii, self.hcen, :].copy() self.update() progbar(ii + 1, self.projs, strbar) print("\r") print("Done")
[docs] def remove_ramp(self, event): """ Remove linear phase ramp """ print("\nRemove linear ramp") self.X1[self.ind] = np.angle( rmphaseramp( np.exp(1j * self.X1[self.ind]), weight=None, return_phaseramp=False, ) ) # mask = self.mask[self.ind,:,:]*self.X1[self.ind,:,:] # self.X1[self.ind,:,:] -= mask.astype(np.float).mean() self.X2[self.ind, :] = self.X1[ self.ind,[1] / 2.0), : ].copy() self.update()
[docs] def remove_rampall(self, event): """ Remove linear phase ramp of all """ print("\nRemove linear phase ramp of all projections") for ii in range(self.projs): self.ind = ii strbar = "Projection {} out of {}".format(ii + 1, self.projs) self.X1[self.ind] = np.angle( rmphaseramp( np.exp(1j * self.X1[self.ind]), weight=None, return_phaseramp=False, ) ) # mask = self.mask[self.ind,:,:]*self.X1[self.ind,:,:] # self.X1[self.ind,:,:] -= mask.astype(np.float).mean() self.X2[self.ind, :] = self.X1[ self.ind,[1] / 2.0), : ].copy() self.update() progbar(ii + 1, self.projs, strbar) print("\r") print("Done")
[docs] def unwrapping_phase(self, event): """ Unwrap phase """ print(f"\nUnwrapping phase projection {self.ind}") self.X1[self.ind] = _unwrapping_phase(self.X1[self.ind], self.mask[self.ind]) self.X2[self.ind] = self.X1[self.ind, self.hcen, :].copy() self.update()
[docs] def unwrapping_all(self, event): """ Unwrap phase of all projections """ print("\nUnwrapping all projections") for ii in range(self.projs): self.ind = ii strbar = "Projection {} out of {}".format(ii + 1, self.projs) self.X1[ii] = _unwrapping_phase(self.X1[ii], self.mask[ii]) self.X2[self.ind] = self.X1[self.ind, self.hcen, :].copy() self.update() progbar(ii + 1, self.projs, strbar) print("\r") print("Done")
[docs] def load_masks(self, event): """ Load masks from file """ print("\nLoad masks from file") self.mask = LoadData.loadmasks("masks.h5", **self.params) self.update()
[docs] def save_masks(self, event): """ Save mask to file """ print("\nSave masks to file") SaveData.savemasks("masks.h5", self.mask, **self.params)
[docs] def submit(self, text): """ Textbox submit """ self.ind = np.clip(eval(text) - 1, 0, self.projs - 1) print("Projection {}".format(self.ind + 1)) self.update()
[docs] def play(self, event): """ Plot one project after the other (play) """ for ii in range(self.ind, self.projs): self.ind = ii # np.clip(self.ind + ii, 0, self.projs - ii) print("Projection {}".format(self.ind + 1)) self.update()
[docs] def update(self): """ Update the plot canvas """ self.im1.set_data(self.X1[self.ind] + self.mask[self.ind]) self.im1.set_clim(self.vmin, self.vmax) self.im2.set_ydata(self.X2[self.ind]) self.im2.axes.set_ylim([self.pmin, self.pmax]) self.im2.axes.set_xlim([0, self.cols]) # self.ax2.set_xlim([0, self.cols]) self.ax1.set_ylabel("Projection {}".format(self.ind + 1)) self.ax2.set_ylabel("Projection {}".format(self.ind + 1)) self.ax1.axes.figure.canvas.draw() self.ax2.axes.figure.canvas.draw()
# self.im1.axes.figure.canvas.draw() # self.im2.axes.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def onclose(self, event): """ Close the figure """ print("\nImage closed. Press Enter to exit and save projections") plt.close(event.canvas.figure)
[docs]class AmpTracker(PhaseTracker): """ Widgets for the phase ramp removal Note ---- It inherits most of the functionality of :py:class:`PhaseTracker`, except the ones related to amplitude projections rather than to phase projections. Please, refert to the docstring of :py:class:`PhaseTracker` for further description. """ def __init__(self, fig, ax1, ax2, X1, **params): super().__init__(fig, ax1, ax2, X1, **params) self.done = [] # flag to keep the already corrected projections
[docs] def apply_mask(self, event): """ Apply the air correction using current mask and apply the log """ print( "\nApply the air correctioncorrection using current mask and the logarithm" ) if self.ind in self.done: print("Projection {} was already corrected".format(self.ind + 1)) else: imgin = self.X1[self.ind, :, :].copy() mask = self.mask[self.ind, :, :].copy() self.X1[self.ind, :, :] = np.log( rmair(imgin, mask) ) # remove air and apply log self.X2[self.ind, :] = self.X1[ self.ind,[1] / 2.0), : ].copy() self.done.append(self.ind) self.vmin = -0.5 self.vmax = 0.1 self.update()
[docs] def apply_all_masks(self, event): """ Apply the linear air correction using current mask and log to all projections """ print( "\nApply the air correction using current mask and the logarithm to all projections" ) for ii in range(self.projs): self.ind = ii strbar = "Projection {} out of {}".format(ii + 1, self.projs) if self.ind in self.done: print( "\rProjection {} was already corrected".format(self.ind + 1), end="" ) else: # np.exp(1j*self.X1[ii,:,:]).copy() imgin = self.X1[ii, :, :].copy() mask = self.mask[ii, :, :].copy() # remove air and apply log self.X1[ii, :, :] = np.log(rmair(imgin, mask)) self.X2[ii, :] = self.X1[ii,[1] / 2.0), :].copy() self.done.append(self.ind) self.update() progbar(ii + 1, self.projs, strbar) print("Done")